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Pilates classes in Cumbria.

Birch Lake Pilates offers mixed ability Pilates classes in West Cumbria. Join a friendly group class in a calm and caring environment.


Pilates can help to improve strength, mobility, flexibility and balance. Beginners and returners are welcome.


“Beth is a very professional and inspiring Pilates practitioner.

She provides suitable adaptations and alternatives for any problems or physical limitations. I have continued with mat based classes in Ravenglass and the consistency has most certainly improved my core strength.

I thoroughly enjoy the classes and the stretching, I find very beneficial.

Beth is so kind and gentle and the value for money is exceptional.

Absolutely and wholeheartedly recommend giving it a try” 


"I have been going to Beth’s classes for nearly 4 months now and I can really feel the benefits in my day-to-day life, chores that used to leave me aching no longer do so! It’s the longest I’ve ever stuck with an exercise class and that’s because Beth creates a lovely relaxed atmosphere where everyone is welcome"


“I love Beth’s online Pilates. Being able to just switch from the office to Zoom class works perfectly into my work schedule. I have noticed a real change in my body from the Pilates, much more strength and flexibility and the class has a lovely flow to it. Thank you Beth for such a fab introduction to Pilates, I now need to try and get a second class a week in!”


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